Saturday, November 27, 2010

To adjust your grip to slice cure methods

Is one of the common problems of golf slice recreational golfers swing. If you suffer from slice [by definitely How to slice cure searched. This article is displayed if you need advice cannot be found to illustrate how to treat the slice; Fortunately, difficult to modify slice is not.

Reason to fix it and identify the culprit and how to treat a slice of the trick, and why to slice the ball. Ball slice problem origin Golf grip and Setup or swing sequence in which in two main areas.

Golf grips

Want to know how to treat a slice, but correct ways to grip a Golf Club must learn whether it is a proper Golf grip Foundation? There are 9 you can use the Club grip position; Slices of duplicate the problem first three works-the refers 10 grip grip style is not a problem.

On the left

Placing the Club on your left the position of neutral base from the index finger points on the Palm of your hand, finger half way, Club grip that is: Toward the Club to slice cure more fingers that this position experiment.


How to keep your grip strength, Club not firmly is a term position in both hands and Club. Have the Club address position, and the views in your hands, and fingers of the left one or two joint representation is displayed-this is a neutral grip.

When slice cannot see any left hand finger joints show weak grip may occur. Toward a simple rotating hands together right until they are a neutral position.

Grip pressure

You might heard should probably use the grip of the Golf Club in many different ways how much pressure. You to grab some firmly and to that of other lightly grip. To test the amount of pressure if you want to know how to treat a slice actually applies to the grip is.

If and to the Club and firmly grip [may cause slice of it. Try tweaking with a light grip pressure club head impact is not loose. Club equipped, can affect grip size, ball trajectory. If taken in the hand grip too large this slice cause.

Experimental and practical

To find a way to treat a slice, adjust your grip secret experiments and practices. For each of the tips above grip ", change the grip when in little by little, experiment, in practice a new position by hitting some golf balls. , And then click Setup does not search the grip your failure if you then need to look at the swing sequence.

View the original article here

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